I have been teaching diatonic harmonica professionally since 1996 and playing since 1985.
You could say it's a 'hand to mouth' existence but it's a whole lot better than working; and that's been my full time job since 1996.
My job is the best - I get to meet and inspire people from all walks of life and all ages. It turns out ANYONE can learn to play a harmonica!
I teach harmonica 121 at home, in schools, on-line here and YT, night schools, harmonica festivals in the USA Europe and UK, cruise ships, team-building, Singapore Uni, Glastonbury festival...are you bored yet? Me too!
If you can breathe you can play the harmonica - if not, forget about it, it's not for you.
My youngest student was 4 when she started and my oldest was 85 when he began. Now it's your turn to learn.
HarpsCool.co.uk is where my team and I teach children in schools. We teach around 400 children every week and we work in partnership with Hohner, the brand leader for harmonicas since 1896.
My work with the harmonica over 20 years has led me to become Chairman of the National Harmonica League - did you know that's the top harmonica job in the UK?
I love the look on the faces of North Americans when they find out I am Chairman of the NHL!
I'm so confident you will love my courses and lessons that I'm offering this PERSONAL GUARANTEE.
I don't know about you but I don't like risk - especially when spending money. So I'm offering you a 100% iron clad money-back guarantee backed up by Curious.com if you don't like what you've purchased.
The people I have been taught by are the best harmonica teachers in the world. They include - google them - Howard Levy (one week intensive course) Joe Filisko, Paul Lamb, Brendan Power, Adam Gussow, Charlie McCoy, Dave Barrett, Richard Sleigh and many more.
30226 min30-part Harmonica course127 CQ
Do you know how to play basic notes on harmonica? In this course, Ben Hewlett introduces the essential pentatonic scales and improvisation techniques to play eight original blues tunes on harmonica.
Do you know how to play basic notes on harmonica? In this course, Ben Hewlett introduces the essential pentatonic scales and improvisation techniques to play eight original blues tunes on harmonica.
12100 min12-part Harmonica course55 CQ
Learn the basics of playing the harmonica with Ben "Harmonica" Hewlett, including how to breathe into your instrument and play simple chords, as well as how to begin making fun rhythms by chugging.
Learn the basics of playing the harmonica with Ben "Harmonica" Hewlett, including how to breathe into your instrument and play simple chords, as well as how to begin making fun rhythms by chugging.
1293 min12-part Harmonica course52 CQ
Ready to up your harmonica playing to the next level? Review the basics, then learn a few intermediate techniques, like playing train rhythms and bending notes. Finish by practicing a few new tunes.
Ready to up your harmonica playing to the next level? Review the basics, then learn a few intermediate techniques, like playing train rhythms and bending notes. Finish by practicing a few new tunes.
12103 min12-part Harmonica course57 CQ
In this course from professional harmonica player and instructor Ben Hewlett, learn how to play some familiar songs and discover a new technique for reaching "missing" notes by draw bending.
In this course from professional harmonica player and instructor Ben Hewlett, learn how to play some familiar songs and discover a new technique for reaching "missing" notes by draw bending.
12108 min12-part Harmonica course59 CQ
Want to play the harmonica by ear? In this intermediate course from expert instructor Ben "Harmonica" Hewlett, learn how to play a host of popular country, Irish, and jazz tunes by ear.
Want to play the harmonica by ear? In this intermediate course from expert instructor Ben "Harmonica" Hewlett, learn how to play a host of popular country, Irish, and jazz tunes by ear.
1083 min10-part Harmonica course47 CQ
Do you love the blues and already have a foundation in harmonica playing? In this course, learn how to improvise, play notes, and use tongue blocking to create harmonic sounds while playing the blues.
Do you love the blues and already have a foundation in harmonica playing? In this course, learn how to improvise, play notes, and use tongue blocking to create harmonic sounds while playing the blues.
1298 min12-part Harmonica course56 CQ
In this course for skilled beginners who have already mastered the foundations of harmonica, learn how to play a little G major pentatonic improv, some minor pentatonic scales, and a few blues scales.
In this course for skilled beginners who have already mastered the foundations of harmonica, learn how to play a little G major pentatonic improv, some minor pentatonic scales, and a few blues scales.
1185 min11-part Harmonica course48 CQ
To grow your skills as a harmonica player, you need to learn how to play single notes and scales. This beginner-friendly course will help you to familiarize yourself with the notes on your instrument.
To grow your skills as a harmonica player, you need to learn how to play single notes and scales. This beginner-friendly course will help you to familiarize yourself with the notes on your instrument.
1395 min13-part Harmonica course55 CQ
Harmonica teacher Ben Hewlett delivers this course filled with tips and instruction for jamming along with the 12-bar blues and mastering different vocal effects, so get out your harmonica and blow!
Harmonica teacher Ben Hewlett delivers this course filled with tips and instruction for jamming along with the 12-bar blues and mastering different vocal effects, so get out your harmonica and blow!
Other Lessons by Ben 'Harmonica' Hewlett
5 minHarmonica lesson3 CQ
Master harmonica player and teacher Ben Hewlett demonstrates the major scales and the melody of “Frere Jaques” in all 12 keys on a Hohner Marine Band.
Master harmonica player and teacher Ben Hewlett demonstrates the major scales and the melody of “Frere Jaques” in all 12 keys on a Hohner Marine Band.
8 minHarmonica lesson5 CQ
Master harmonica player and teacher Ben Hewlett discusses bending notes on harmonica, demonstrating some techniques that will give bright and clear notes.
Master harmonica player and teacher Ben Hewlett discusses bending notes on harmonica, demonstrating some techniques that will give bright and clear notes.
Ben 'Harmonica' Hewlett's Enrolled Lessons
6 minFREEWork lessonFree4 CQ
Now that you understand how the LessonBuilder works, learn some best practices for using its interactive features to make your lessons stand out.
Now that you understand how the LessonBuilder works, learn some best practices for using its interactive features to make your lessons stand out.
6 minFREEWork lessonFree4 CQ
Want to put together an effective, engaging lesson in one shot? Let us give you a few tips for outlining, writing, and shooting a masterpiece.
Want to put together an effective, engaging lesson in one shot? Let us give you a few tips for outlining, writing, and shooting a masterpiece.