Thaddeus Z's Enrolled Lessons
11 minMeditation lesson6 CQ
Sometimes finding focus in a hectic life is hard, and centering yourself is a great way to reconnect. Practice seated awareness in this meditation lesson.
with Dr. JamieSometimes finding focus in a hectic life is hard, and centering yourself is a great way to reconnect. Practice seated awareness in this meditation lesson.
18 minMeditation lesson10 CQ
Ready to get moving? Join Dr. Jamie in this dancing mindfulness lesson to explore how you honor and embrace your body, including three movement exercises.
with Dr. JamieReady to get moving? Join Dr. Jamie in this dancing mindfulness lesson to explore how you honor and embrace your body, including three movement exercises.
15 minMeditation lesson8 CQ
In this mindfulness lesson, Dr. Jamie invites you to explore breath and how it is life dancing through you, then leads you in a guided meditation on breathing.
with Dr. JamieIn this mindfulness lesson, Dr. Jamie invites you to explore breath and how it is life dancing through you, then leads you in a guided meditation on breathing.
16 minMeditation lesson9 CQ
What is sound? Explore sound—from silence to music and everything in between—with dancing mindfulness instructor and clinical counselor Dr. Jamie.
with Dr. JamieWhat is sound? Explore sound—from silence to music and everything in between—with dancing mindfulness instructor and clinical counselor Dr. Jamie.
18 minMindfulness lesson10 CQ
Ever feel like your mind is working against you? In this lesson, learn how to embrace your mind and understand the way it works on a much deeper level.
with Dr. JamieEver feel like your mind is working against you? In this lesson, learn how to embrace your mind and understand the way it works on a much deeper level.
17 minMindfulness lesson9 CQ
Explore dance as a spiritual practice, connection with the divine, and prayer in this lesson from Dr. Jamie. Learn about dance chapel, art writing, and more!
with Dr. JamieExplore dance as a spiritual practice, connection with the divine, and prayer in this lesson from Dr. Jamie. Learn about dance chapel, art writing, and more!
11 minMindfulness lesson6 CQ
In this personal growth lesson, explore how to tell your story by learning different options within story dancing and reviewing how to let your story flow.
with Dr. JamieIn this personal growth lesson, explore how to tell your story by learning different options within story dancing and reviewing how to let your story flow.
12 minMindfulness lesson7 CQ
In this lesson, learn the importance of fusion in your dancing mindfulness practice, and explore how to bring everything you've learned together cohesively.
with Dr. JamieIn this lesson, learn the importance of fusion in your dancing mindfulness practice, and explore how to bring everything you've learned together cohesively.
15 minMindfulness lesson8 CQ
In this lesson, discover how you can structure practices to build and support a dancing mindfulness community in order to help foster healing and growth.
with Dr. JamieIn this lesson, discover how you can structure practices to build and support a dancing mindfulness community in order to help foster healing and growth.
5 minMindfulness lesson3 CQ
In this lesson, explore dance more thoroughly as a healing element, and learn how to create a dancing mindfulness practice that is best for you.
with Dr. JamieIn this lesson, explore dance more thoroughly as a healing element, and learn how to create a dancing mindfulness practice that is best for you.