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Nerdy Curio

November 21, 2018

Social Construct of Race Imposes Biology

2 CQ

Today's Nerdy Curio is brought to you by 60-Second Science. Anthropologist Jennifer Raff argues that race is culturally created, but has biological consequences.


Aired November 8, 2018

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Harreld D
Her notions should be stunningly common knowledge and yet a majority of the American public remains oblivious that though the idea of “race” is false, the result of fictions and lies the idea has created has made racism all too real and the brutal consequences of its claims will remain so until perhaps much more deep and sustained efforts add enough people achieving real understanding to pass the tipping point to stand known as “common sense."
Chris R
I don't often see a post I genuinely agree with here. Couldn't see the rest of the post after the acknowledgment that many people don't carry an awareness of this effect. Pretty sure I agree though based on the curio. Liking this post :-)
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