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Nerdy Curio

December 29, 2016

Self-Driving Cars Probably Won't Boost Commuter Productivity

1 CQ

2016 brought us one step closer to putting self-driving cars on the road. But don't rely on them to help you with that new year's resolution to get more done. Find out why in today’s Nerdy Curio, brought to you by 60-Second Science.

Aired December 13, 2016

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Anuschka C
My commuting way is 45 minutes one way - I would prefer to sleep again a bit in the car.
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Meagan G
As someone with narcolepsy, self-driving cars sound amazing! 19 minutes is still plenty of time to get a decent nap. Plus, I wouldn't have to pull over every time I get exceedingly drowsy. So, in that regard it would make me more productive by giving me more time to focus my energy on things other than just getting to where I'm going.
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