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Nerdy Curio

March 2, 2017

Heat Sensor Has Snaky Sensitivity

2 CQ

Researchers have developed a heat sensor that can detect temperature changes of just ten thousandths of a degree Celsius—comparable to the sensitivity of pit vipers. More in today’s Nerdy Curio from 60-Second Science.

Aired February 16, 2017

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Kortney C
Pectin as a temperature sensor, cool,but how are they measuring it's sensitivity?
Charlie B
Good question! I can't answer that but I can teach you a little something else. You might've done it on accident but that usage of "it's" isn't correct. Usually the apostrophe is used to show that it is possessive, but in the case of its and it is, it's different. It's = it is and its = the possessive form of it. So you would say measuring its sensitivity instead. Now you know! :)
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