Barbara F's Enrolled Lessons
7 minFREEPhysical Therapy lessonFree4 CQ
In this lesson, Dr. Bellonzi discusses the importance of preventing falls and illustrates several at home exercises to test and strengthen balance.
with Psyche TruthIn this lesson, Dr. Bellonzi discusses the importance of preventing falls and illustrates several at home exercises to test and strengthen balance.
7 minFREEClothes Making lessonFree4 CQ
Learn how to make a classic fashion accessory—the bow tie! The dapper gentleman in your life will be ever so excited to wear your sartorial creation.
with Professor PincushionLearn how to make a classic fashion accessory—the bow tie! The dapper gentleman in your life will be ever so excited to wear your sartorial creation.
20 minFREEPiano lessonFree11 CQ
How do you take those black dots on the page and turn them into piano music? By sight reading sheet music! Learn the names and positions of musical notes.
with Shawn CheekHow do you take those black dots on the page and turn them into piano music? By sight reading sheet music! Learn the names and positions of musical notes.
1 minFREEAesthetic lessonFree1 CQ
Looking for some face paint ideas? Learn how to make a princess tiara for Halloween, a play, a costume party, or just for fun. You'll need paint and jewels.
with Sophie's WorldLooking for some face paint ideas? Learn how to make a princess tiara for Halloween, a play, a costume party, or just for fun. You'll need paint and jewels.
8 minFREEPiano lessonFree5 CQ
Have you always wanted to learn how to play the piano? The first in a series of seven, this lesson covers the basics of keys, finger position, and chords.
with Mark AlmondHave you always wanted to learn how to play the piano? The first in a series of seven, this lesson covers the basics of keys, finger position, and chords.
2 minFREECrafts lessonFree2 CQ
If you’re working with thick fabrics, it’s difficult to get a clean, flat seam. Enter the seamless zigzag join! Learn how in this 2-minute lesson from Izzy.
with Izzy MeimsaabIf you’re working with thick fabrics, it’s difficult to get a clean, flat seam. Enter the seamless zigzag join! Learn how in this 2-minute lesson from Izzy.