Brad L's Enrolled Lessons
5 minFREEFrench lessonFree3 CQ
Bonjour! Learn French Now! makes learning conversational French easy by teaching common French words and phrases like ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, and ‘how are you?’.
with Learn French Now!Bonjour! Learn French Now! makes learning conversational French easy by teaching common French words and phrases like ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, and ‘how are you?’.
9 minFREEPhilosophy lessonFree5 CQ
How can we know if what we perceive is real? What's true belief and what's knowledge? Socrates tackles these questions in Plato's cave allegory.
with Tim WilsonHow can we know if what we perceive is real? What's true belief and what's knowledge? Socrates tackles these questions in Plato's cave allegory.
4 minFREECooking lessonFree3 CQ
You thought French toast couldn’t be improved on? How does chocolate French toast with chocolate maple syrup sound? Chocolate makes everything better!
with Greedy Girl CooksYou thought French toast couldn’t be improved on? How does chocolate French toast with chocolate maple syrup sound? Chocolate makes everything better!
6 minFREEMemory lessonFree4 CQ
Tired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.
with Es EinsteiniumTired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.