Stuart H's Enrolled Lessons
4 minFREEGuitar lessonFree3 CQ
Learn songs more easily and never struggle to communicate with other musicians again by learning the names of every note on the guitar fretboard.
Learn songs more easily and never struggle to communicate with other musicians again by learning the names of every note on the guitar fretboard.
3 minFREEReading Music lessonFree2 CQ
Most people enjoy music, but how many really understand it? In this lesson, you will learn basic music terms including length, pitch, volume, and timbre.
with Bill Graham MusicMost people enjoy music, but how many really understand it? In this lesson, you will learn basic music terms including length, pitch, volume, and timbre.
2 minReading Music lesson2 CQ
Rhythm is the most basic component of music. Learn how to read notes and rests in musical notation and learn about measures, beats, and dotted notes.
with Bill Graham MusicRhythm is the most basic component of music. Learn how to read notes and rests in musical notation and learn about measures, beats, and dotted notes.
3 minReading Music lesson2 CQ
You’ve learned about half notes, quarter notes, beats and measures, and can count a rhythm. Now you're ready to learn how to read sheet music.!
with Bill Graham MusicYou’ve learned about half notes, quarter notes, beats and measures, and can count a rhythm. Now you're ready to learn how to read sheet music.!
3 minReading Music lesson2 CQ
Get ready to build your music vocabulary in this lesson! Learn the symbols for sharps, flats, and naturals, and learn about key signatures, and accidentals.
with Bill Graham MusicGet ready to build your music vocabulary in this lesson! Learn the symbols for sharps, flats, and naturals, and learn about key signatures, and accidentals.
2 minMusic Theory lesson2 CQ
Understanding tempo is important for all musicians. Designed for beginners, this lesson explains tempo and its importance to reading and playing music.
with Bill Graham MusicUnderstanding tempo is important for all musicians. Designed for beginners, this lesson explains tempo and its importance to reading and playing music.
2 minMusic Theory lesson2 CQ
In this beginner-friendly lesson, learn how to use musical dynamics, or volume, to communicate intensity and accurately interpret a piece of music.
with Bill Graham MusicIn this beginner-friendly lesson, learn how to use musical dynamics, or volume, to communicate intensity and accurately interpret a piece of music.
2 minFitness lesson2 CQ
Strengthen the spine and open the chest and shoulders with Cobra Pose. Learn how to get into this yoga pose, take the stretch deeper, and emerge from it.
with Emily Wells-PerrittStrengthen the spine and open the chest and shoulders with Cobra Pose. Learn how to get into this yoga pose, take the stretch deeper, and emerge from it.
2 minFitness lesson2 CQ
Downward-Facing Dog, or Ahdo Muhka Svanasana, is an essential posture that you'll encounter in just about any yoga class. Learn how to do it in this lesson.
with Emily Wells-PerrittDownward-Facing Dog, or Ahdo Muhka Svanasana, is an essential posture that you'll encounter in just about any yoga class. Learn how to do it in this lesson.
2 minFitness lesson2 CQ
Yoga instructor Emily Wells demonstrates how to go into Tree Pose, or Vrksasana, hold the posture, emerge from it, and repeat the process on the other leg.
with Emily Wells-PerrittYoga instructor Emily Wells demonstrates how to go into Tree Pose, or Vrksasana, hold the posture, emerge from it, and repeat the process on the other leg.