jamie b's Enrolled Lessons
8 minFREECrafts lessonFree5 CQ
Everyone can draw, and that means you! With a bit of practice and someone like Shoo Rayner to show you how, you can get good at drawing, too.
Everyone can draw, and that means you! With a bit of practice and someone like Shoo Rayner to show you how, you can get good at drawing, too.
3 minFREECrafts lessonFree2 CQ
Looking for a great DIY party favor or gift, or just spicing up your own grooming rituals? Either way, these DIY bath bombs are easy to make and so much fun!
Looking for a great DIY party favor or gift, or just spicing up your own grooming rituals? Either way, these DIY bath bombs are easy to make and so much fun!
1 minFREEBaking lessonFree1 CQ
Make a sweet summer treat by covering cookies in a cream cheese frosting and adding fruits and berries! Unleash your artistic skills and your tastebuds.
with Simply BakingsMake a sweet summer treat by covering cookies in a cream cheese frosting and adding fruits and berries! Unleash your artistic skills and your tastebuds.
22 minFREEGames lessonFree12 CQ
The Rubik’s Cube: it may be a child’s toy, but it’s not child’s play! Learn to solve a Rubik’s Cube, and master of one of the most enduring math puzzles!
with Curious .The Rubik’s Cube: it may be a child’s toy, but it’s not child’s play! Learn to solve a Rubik’s Cube, and master of one of the most enduring math puzzles!
1 minFREEBaking lessonFree1 CQ
In need of something sweet? Why not learn a timeless recipe for simple sugar cookies? They only need 10 to 15 minutes to bake, and you've got a golden treat.
with Simply BakingsIn need of something sweet? Why not learn a timeless recipe for simple sugar cookies? They only need 10 to 15 minutes to bake, and you've got a golden treat.
4 minFrench lesson3 CQ
Le homme or l'homme? Learn French Now! makes learning conversational French easy by teaching basic grammar. This lesson focuses on the ‘l apostrophe’ in French.
with Learn French Now!Le homme or l'homme? Learn French Now! makes learning conversational French easy by teaching basic grammar. This lesson focuses on the ‘l apostrophe’ in French.
13 minFrench lesson7 CQ
La or le? Learn French Now! makes learning French easy by teaching basic grammar. Understand gender of nouns and learn to identify masculine / feminine nouns.
with Learn French Now!La or le? Learn French Now! makes learning French easy by teaching basic grammar. Understand gender of nouns and learn to identify masculine / feminine nouns.
5 minFrench lesson3 CQ
Comment allez-vous? Learn French Now! makes learning conversational French easy by teaching common phrases for greetings, conversation starters, pleasantries.
with Learn French Now!Comment allez-vous? Learn French Now! makes learning conversational French easy by teaching common phrases for greetings, conversation starters, pleasantries.