Manisha S's Enrolled Lessons
1 minFREEWork Business CurioFree1 CQ
Marketplace® is your liaison between economics and life. Noted for timely, relevant and accessible coverage of business news across both audio and digital pl...
with MarketplaceMarketplace® is your liaison between economics and life. Noted for timely, relevant and accessible coverage of business news across both audio and digital pl...
1 minFREEPoetry Poem CurioFree1 CQ
Poem of the Day: Sitting Outside at the End of Autumn. By Charles Wright.
with Poetry FoundationPoem of the Day: Sitting Outside at the End of Autumn. By Charles Wright.
6 minFREEStatistics lessonFree4 CQ
How can you win Rock, Paper, Scissors? Not with a pure strategy, that’s for sure! Learn the theory behind the game, and see why you just can't beat randomness.
with William SpanielHow can you win Rock, Paper, Scissors? Not with a pure strategy, that’s for sure! Learn the theory behind the game, and see why you just can't beat randomness.
7 minFREEStatistics lessonFree4 CQ
Learn to apply the Prisoner's Dilemma approach to a larger game using a tactic called iterative elimination of strategically dominated strategies.
with William SpanielLearn to apply the Prisoner's Dilemma approach to a larger game using a tactic called iterative elimination of strategically dominated strategies.
8 minFREEStatistics lessonFree5 CQ
Learn how to run a mixed strategy algorithm—once you can calculate the payoffs for a mixed strategy, you can make an educated decision and the best choice.
with William SpanielLearn how to run a mixed strategy algorithm—once you can calculate the payoffs for a mixed strategy, you can make an educated decision and the best choice.
20 minFREEPiano lessonFree11 CQ
How do you take those black dots on the page and turn them into piano music? By sight reading sheet music! Learn the names and positions of musical notes.
with Shawn CheekHow do you take those black dots on the page and turn them into piano music? By sight reading sheet music! Learn the names and positions of musical notes.
11 minFREEBasic Computing lessonFree6 CQ
Thinking about upgrading to Windows 8? First, get a rundown of the history of Windows and learn about the features of the new Windows 8 editions.
with AmicronThinking about upgrading to Windows 8? First, get a rundown of the history of Windows and learn about the features of the new Windows 8 editions.
6 minFREECareer Growth lessonFree4 CQ
You've found yourself unexpectedly heading up a project at work. How do become an effective and capable project manager? Get started with these seven steps.
with Project ManagerYou've found yourself unexpectedly heading up a project at work. How do become an effective and capable project manager? Get started with these seven steps.
6 minFREEMemory lessonFree4 CQ
Tired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.
with Es EinsteiniumTired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.
1 minFREECrafts lessonFree1 CQ
Wrap it up and put a bow on it! Tie a picture-perfect bow that is even, flat, and taut with help from this lesson. This method also can be used tying shoelaces!
with Savoring The GoodWrap it up and put a bow on it! Tie a picture-perfect bow that is even, flat, and taut with help from this lesson. This method also can be used tying shoelaces!