Philippa C's Enrolled Lessons
3 minFREEVideography lessonFree2 CQ
Achieve a cinematic look for your film, even when shooting with an inexpensive DSLR camera. Learn the tricks and techniques in this lesson from Fenchel Janisch.
with Fenchel JanischAchieve a cinematic look for your film, even when shooting with an inexpensive DSLR camera. Learn the tricks and techniques in this lesson from Fenchel Janisch.
12 minFREEVideography lessonFree7 CQ
Shoot a high quality film on your DSLR camera! Learn how to maximize your camera’s potential by changing the frame rate, contrast, depth of field, and lenses.
with Fenchel JanischShoot a high quality film on your DSLR camera! Learn how to maximize your camera’s potential by changing the frame rate, contrast, depth of field, and lenses.
2 minVideography lesson2 CQ
Night shots can be challenging to take, but can be well worth the effort. Learn four rules to take the difficulty out of capturing images in low light!
with Fenchel JanischNight shots can be challenging to take, but can be well worth the effort. Learn four rules to take the difficulty out of capturing images in low light!
2 minVideography lesson2 CQ
You're making a movie, but stabilizing rigs cost a lot. How to get smooth shots with a handheld camera? Learn which lenses are best when shooting without a rig.
with Fenchel JanischYou're making a movie, but stabilizing rigs cost a lot. How to get smooth shots with a handheld camera? Learn which lenses are best when shooting without a rig.
3 minVideography lesson2 CQ
A shallow depth of field on a DSLR camera can create stunning images. Check out this lesson and learn how to get shallow depth of field, use it, and control it.
with Fenchel JanischA shallow depth of field on a DSLR camera can create stunning images. Check out this lesson and learn how to get shallow depth of field, use it, and control it.
2 minVideo Editing lesson2 CQ
Change the mood of your movie footage after recording! Explore using color correction and grade of DSLR film to alter the feel of a scene and suggest a genre.
with Fenchel JanischChange the mood of your movie footage after recording! Explore using color correction and grade of DSLR film to alter the feel of a scene and suggest a genre.
8 minVideo Editing lesson5 CQ
Filmmaking involves more than just camera angles. In this lesson, learn how to perfect color, light, sound, and shot to establish the mood of a film.
with Fenchel JanischFilmmaking involves more than just camera angles. In this lesson, learn how to perfect color, light, sound, and shot to establish the mood of a film.
10 minAdobe Suite lesson6 CQ
You can do a lot in the filmmaking post-production stage. This lesson demonstrates video editing techniques for color grading, compressing, and stabilizing.
with Fenchel JanischYou can do a lot in the filmmaking post-production stage. This lesson demonstrates video editing techniques for color grading, compressing, and stabilizing.
7 minPhotography lesson4 CQ
Which lens is best for filmmaking? Well, it depends on what you're filming. In this lesson, learn which lenses to use and why ND filters are important.
with Fenchel JanischWhich lens is best for filmmaking? Well, it depends on what you're filming. In this lesson, learn which lenses to use and why ND filters are important.
3 minVideo Editing lesson2 CQ
How should you render video while maintaining the original quality without any loss? This filmmaking lesson discusses video mastering and render file types.
with Fenchel JanischHow should you render video while maintaining the original quality without any loss? This filmmaking lesson discusses video mastering and render file types.