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Nerdy Curio

October 12, 2017

Wolf killings, wild horses & a parakeet invasion

2 CQ

Today's Nerdy Curio catches you up on nature news from the past week, courtesy of Earth Touch: A parakeet invasion in Mexico, concern mounts over America’s wild horses, donkey skin demand in China attracts wildlife traffickers, a bad year for oceanic "dead zones" and a pair of dead-whale predator parties. Get these stories and more in this week’s 2-minute recap of nature news!

Aired October 9, 2017

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Katrina S
I love these videos you can easily learn about things all across the globe and it’s very informative without making it boring.
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Amy L
Love these two minute updates! Informative and thought provoking.
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Alana C
Love nature and learned a few things I had not heard about. I will keep checking in with you.
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Yvonne T
Very interested and informative. Thank you
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Lorretta T
These articles are amazing. Keep up the great work
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