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Nerdy Curio

February 15, 2017

Trump freezes species protections, skin-shedding geckos & a bullfrog surprise

2 CQ

Today’s Nerdy Curio catches you up on nature news from the past week, courtesy of Earth Touch: Bad news for the rusty patched bumblebee as the Trump administration freezes endangered species protections, a newly discovered gecko’s amazing evasion technique, tragedy in New Zealand as hundreds of whales strand and one heck of a bullfrog surprise!

Aired February 14, 2017

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Kari D
Nature news is the best! How do we save the bees? A petition?
500 characters max
Star T
These news are so interesting!! Too bad trump don't understand much about global warming!!!
500 characters max
Charlie B
I wonder how shedding its scales helps ward off enemies? Maybe it grosses them out like it did me.
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Sue G
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Jean M
Interesting information, thanks
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