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Nerdy Curio

April 13, 2017

Snake orgies, rediscovered dogs & the hunt for a long-extinct echidna

2 CQ

Today’s Nerdy Curio catches you up on nature news from the past week, courtesy of Earth Touch: An update on Hesheng the panda, new uses for leeches, snake sex gets wild, a rare wild dog rediscovered and the search for an “extinct” echidna. All that and more in your weekly roundup of nature news.

Aired April 10, 2017

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vivi r
I've never heard of the echidna so far. Very interesting
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Marty H
Geese 1, Baboon 0.
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Pamela G
I loved it. Thanks. I look forward to more of the same.
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Mary G
Really enjoyed this!
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