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Nerdy Curio

March 8, 2017

Kelly Slater calls for shark cull, gorillas in trouble & bumblebee ball skills

2 CQ

Today’s Nerdy Curio catches you up on nature news from the past week, courtesy of Earth Touch: Two of the world’s top surfers call for a shark cull after another fatal shark attack off Réunion Island, Bao Bao the giant panda moves to his new home in China, researchers discover that bumblebees have some impressive ball skills, a heatwave kills hundreds of bats and a new US Policy could threaten a critically endangered ape.

Aired March 6, 2017

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Jenn O
The footage shows a tiger shark, not a bull shark
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Meagan G
Allowing conflict diamonds to be purchased without disclosure is absolutely vile. Trump obviously cares nothing for those people or for the wildlife in those regions. Hopefully people will continue to resist his asinine policies and this will never go into effect.
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