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Nerdy Curio

March 16, 2017

Good news for wolves, a baby whale shark rescue & another tusker falls

2 CQ

Today’s Nerdy Curio catches you up on nature news from the past week, courtesy of Earth Touch: Kenya loses another "big tusker”, rhino poaching reaches Europe, a baby whale shark gets a helping hand in India, some good news for wolves in Oregon and the unsolved mystery of the nurse shark with a knife in its head.

Aired March 14, 2017

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Deborah H
I am forever captivated by the wonderful adaptability and beauty of animals. To know them is to respect and love them. Thank you for sharing updates and new discoveries.
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Stacey B
Loved it! Go animals.
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Charley L
I would like a little more info on each subject like the robotic cat who made it how is it controlled is it really raising awareness
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Garrett F
Fantastic presentation. Always love your stuff. Thank you!
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Lindsay M
Super depressing
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