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Nerdy Curio

April 27, 2017

Flu-fighting frogs, jungle puppies & a blue whale meal

2 CQ

Today’s Nerdy Curio catches you up on nature news from the past week, courtesy of Earth Touch: Frog skin fights the flu, blue whales are picky eaters, 50 new spiders Down Under and a first-ever look at jungle puppies. All that and more in your 2-minute recap of wildlife news!

Aired April 24, 2017

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500 characters max
vivi r
Maybe the chupacabra is finally found with the jungledog. Very interesting
500 characters max
Maureen M
I also wish these videos were longer. I guess their purpose, however, is to pique my curiosity in which case they must be just rights, as they have done this.
500 characters max
Ruth F
These videos are fascinating. I just wish they were linger and more detailed.
500 characters max
Jean M
I love your nature videos, because they are always things I wouldn't see myself, and very interesting, Thanks.
500 characters max
Juanita V
I hope scientists will be sure that the frog saliva doesn't cause more problems than it cures before using it. These posts are so interesting. I love them. Thanks!
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