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Nerdy Curio

July 20, 2017

Clever crows, a rare Javan rhino & confused big cats

2 CQ

Today’s Nerdy Curio catches you up on nature news from the past week, courtesy of Earth Touch: A wild lion found nursing a leopard cub, humpback whales seen flapping their pectoral flippers to swim, a small hammerhead with an appetite for grass, a rare Javan rhino sighting, and one crazy spider. These stories and more in your two-minute recap of nature news!

Aired July 17, 2017

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Lu M
Amazing stuff.
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Nancy M
Agreed! These go by WAAAY too fast!
500 characters max
Oops make that Nicholas
500 characters max
Agree with Nathan
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Katie S
It would be nice if there were a more in-depth attachment for each story, that way snippets that individuals find interesting could be expounded upon.
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