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Nerdy Curio

January 11, 2017

Chinese ivory ban, a python-eating snake & the death of Tilikum

2 CQ

Today’s Nerdy Curio catches you up on nature news from the past week, courtesy of Earth Touch: China announces plans to shut down its domestic ivory trade, Tilikum, the ‘Blackfish’ orca dies of unknown causes, we say goodbye to the world’s oldest panda and a snake-eating snake spotted in Australia!

Aired January 9, 2017

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Beth G
Great group of stories...loved every one of them and nice to have them all in one spot! Thanks
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Tauna S
interesting news that is not aired on the Nightly News. Ivory trade should cease sooner though and RIP to thise who passed away, even the digested snake.
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Adriana F
The snake eating snake fact is very interesting I didn't know snakes could eat other snakes
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Melissa J
I really enjoyed this!
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Janet M
It was great. I loved listening to it and watching it.
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