
Signing Numbers 1-100 in ASL

6 CQ

When first learning sign language, you’ll need to know how to sign numbers. Jill provides tips and tricks for learning how to sign one through one hundred.

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Ebony R
This was my first lesson, ever, and you made it easy. Thank you!
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katie l
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Fabulously Artsy
Very easy to follow along. I'll need a lot of practice, but I really enjoyed the lesson!
Curious T
Glad you could follow along easily and enjoyed the lesson!
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Augustin m
You're a great teacher, it's very easy to understand and follow along.
Curious T
Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear you could follow along easily.
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Marti V
thank you it was very interesting. My hand really hurt after following you with the sign counting.
Curious T
Haha yeah takes time to get use to that much signing. So happy you found it interesting!
Ebony R
Ditto. I wondered if it were just me.
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