J T C's Enrolled Lessons
4 minRunning lesson3 CQ
Running shouldn’t be painful—even if you are training for a marathon. Learn how to avoid common injuries, and what you can do if you experience persistent pain.
with The Balanced RunnerRunning shouldn’t be painful—even if you are training for a marathon. Learn how to avoid common injuries, and what you can do if you experience persistent pain.
10 minPhotography lesson6 CQ
In this lesson, learn some tips and tricks for taking portraits and selfies on the iPhone, and also some post-editing possibilities to enhance your images.
with Meira GottliebIn this lesson, learn some tips and tricks for taking portraits and selfies on the iPhone, and also some post-editing possibilities to enhance your images.
8 minFREEiPhones + iPads lessonFree5 CQ
If you want to take awesome photos with your iPhone, learn about all the cool features in the iPhone native camera app, and improve your skills.
with Meira GottliebIf you want to take awesome photos with your iPhone, learn about all the cool features in the iPhone native camera app, and improve your skills.
10 minPhotography lesson6 CQ
In this lesson, learn about possible accessories to use when taking photographs on the iPhone and why you might want to use a 3rd party app to capture images.
with Meira GottliebIn this lesson, learn about possible accessories to use when taking photographs on the iPhone and why you might want to use a 3rd party app to capture images.
9 minPhotography lesson5 CQ
Learn about basic composition elements to enhance your iPhone photography and explore some apps to open up your creativity in post-processing.
with Meira GottliebLearn about basic composition elements to enhance your iPhone photography and explore some apps to open up your creativity in post-processing.
10 minPhotography lesson6 CQ
Wondering what you can do with that collection of amazing photos on your iPhone? Learn how to do basic photo editing using the native iPhone Photos App.
with Meira GottliebWondering what you can do with that collection of amazing photos on your iPhone? Learn how to do basic photo editing using the native iPhone Photos App.
11 minPhotography lesson6 CQ
Confused by all of the 3rd party photo editing apps for your iPhone? In this lesson, learn about Snapseed, Afterlight, TouchRetouch, VSCO Cam, and more.
with Meira GottliebConfused by all of the 3rd party photo editing apps for your iPhone? In this lesson, learn about Snapseed, Afterlight, TouchRetouch, VSCO Cam, and more.
10 minPhotography lesson6 CQ
Want to know how to edit photos on an iPhone? Walk through the post-editing workflow from start to finish with digital photographer Meira Gottlieb.
with Meira GottliebWant to know how to edit photos on an iPhone? Walk through the post-editing workflow from start to finish with digital photographer Meira Gottlieb.
10 minPhotography lesson6 CQ
Learn some favorite iPhone tips and tricks for taking great photos. Explore everything from using the device, to general photography techniques and apps.
with Meira GottliebLearn some favorite iPhone tips and tricks for taking great photos. Explore everything from using the device, to general photography techniques and apps.
11 minPhotography lesson6 CQ
Want to know how to share your awesome iPhone photos online? In this lesson, learn about the different photo sharing apps and platforms you can use.
with Meira GottliebWant to know how to share your awesome iPhone photos online? In this lesson, learn about the different photo sharing apps and platforms you can use.