Tammy L's Enrolled Lessons
14 minScience lesson8 CQ
Now that you know the basics of pulmonary embolism, it's time to learn how to diagnose this type of lung disease through common medical tests.
with MedCramNow that you know the basics of pulmonary embolism, it's time to learn how to diagnose this type of lung disease through common medical tests.
12 minFREEScience lessonFree7 CQ
What is pulmonary embolism, who's at risk, and how often is it found? In this intro lesson, learn about pulmonary embolism and why it's commonly misdiagnosed.
with MedCramWhat is pulmonary embolism, who's at risk, and how often is it found? In this intro lesson, learn about pulmonary embolism and why it's commonly misdiagnosed.
12 minScience lesson7 CQ
Because pulmonary embolism is difficult to diagnose, there are many tests for it. In this lesson, learn about the most accurate tests for pulmonary embolism.
with MedCramBecause pulmonary embolism is difficult to diagnose, there are many tests for it. In this lesson, learn about the most accurate tests for pulmonary embolism.
18 minScience lesson10 CQ
How is pulmonary embolism treated? In this MedCram lesson, learn about anticoagulation and the many ways a patient can be treated quickly or slowly.
with MedCramHow is pulmonary embolism treated? In this MedCram lesson, learn about anticoagulation and the many ways a patient can be treated quickly or slowly.
2 minFREECrafts lessonFree2 CQ
Want to become an animator for a television cartoon? Or just draw fun characters? Learn how to draw cartoons and caricatures, starting with a tiger!
with Christopher HartWant to become an animator for a television cartoon? Or just draw fun characters? Learn how to draw cartoons and caricatures, starting with a tiger!
2 minCrafts lesson2 CQ
We all know not to cross the path of an angry lioness! Learn how to draw a ferocious cartoon mother lion in this lesson by best-selling author Chris Hart.
with Christopher HartWe all know not to cross the path of an angry lioness! Learn how to draw a ferocious cartoon mother lion in this lesson by best-selling author Chris Hart.
2 minCrafts lesson2 CQ
Who doesn’t love an adorable little panda? Learn how to draw an aww-inspiring baby bear cartoon in this fun lesson by best-selling author Chris Hart.
with Christopher HartWho doesn’t love an adorable little panda? Learn how to draw an aww-inspiring baby bear cartoon in this fun lesson by best-selling author Chris Hart.
2 minCrafts lesson2 CQ
Do you want to draw man’s best friend as a fun cartoon? Learn how to draw a dog in this tutorial by best-selling author and cartoonist Chris Hart.
with Christopher HartDo you want to draw man’s best friend as a fun cartoon? Learn how to draw a dog in this tutorial by best-selling author and cartoonist Chris Hart.
2 minDrawing lesson2 CQ
Do you like fun and zany cartoons? Learn how to draw this “bad boy” turtle character in this fun lesson by best-selling author and cartoonist Chris Hart.
with Christopher HartDo you like fun and zany cartoons? Learn how to draw this “bad boy” turtle character in this fun lesson by best-selling author and cartoonist Chris Hart.
3 minCrafts lesson2 CQ
Do you dream up fantastical scenes of dragons blowing fire and smoke? Why not learn to draw it out? This lesson teaches you how to draw a mean dragon’s head.
with Christopher HartDo you dream up fantastical scenes of dragons blowing fire and smoke? Why not learn to draw it out? This lesson teaches you how to draw a mean dragon’s head.