Aliza G's Enrolled Lessons
4 minHappiness lesson3 CQ
Learn how to build your self-confidence through a series of special techniques that can help you stop negative thoughts and promote positive thinking.
with Excel in ExamsLearn how to build your self-confidence through a series of special techniques that can help you stop negative thoughts and promote positive thinking.
4 minHappiness lesson3 CQ
In this lesson, learn how to embrace your differences and get comfortable in your own skin. Also, review important tips for connecting with other people.
with Excel in ExamsIn this lesson, learn how to embrace your differences and get comfortable in your own skin. Also, review important tips for connecting with other people.
3 minFREEHappiness lessonFree2 CQ
Are you struggling with confidence or worrying about what other people think? Learn how to develop self-confidence and stop negative thoughts with this lesson.
with Excel in ExamsAre you struggling with confidence or worrying about what other people think? Learn how to develop self-confidence and stop negative thoughts with this lesson.
4 minHappiness lesson3 CQ
In this lesson, learn the importance of a good support team and review what you should do when your friends or family members are not being very supportive.
with Excel in ExamsIn this lesson, learn the importance of a good support team and review what you should do when your friends or family members are not being very supportive.
5 minFREEHappiness lessonFree3 CQ
Writer and designer Graham Hill asks: Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? He makes the case for taking up less space, and lays out three rules for editing your life.
with Graham HillWriter and designer Graham Hill asks: Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? He makes the case for taking up less space, and lays out three rules for editing your life.
13 minPersonal Growth lesson7 CQ
Tired of failing to capitalize on your self-improvement kicks? This lesson shows you how to a build a healthy habit out of a bad one, and stick to it.
with Darya RoseTired of failing to capitalize on your self-improvement kicks? This lesson shows you how to a build a healthy habit out of a bad one, and stick to it.
6 minFREENutrition lessonFree4 CQ
When you fall off the diet wagon, you fall off hard. Explore an alternative method for eating healthy that doesn’t drain all of your hard-earned willpower.
with Darya RoseWhen you fall off the diet wagon, you fall off hard. Explore an alternative method for eating healthy that doesn’t drain all of your hard-earned willpower.
14 minNutrition lesson8 CQ
Once you have developed a long-term plan for eating healthy, learn how to find naturally nutritious foods and avoid refined sugar and refined grains.
with Darya RoseOnce you have developed a long-term plan for eating healthy, learn how to find naturally nutritious foods and avoid refined sugar and refined grains.
7 minNutrition lesson4 CQ
Sometimes all it takes to turn a bad habit into a good one is a bit of mindfulness. Learn how to eat healthier by paying attention to what’s on your plate.
with Darya RoseSometimes all it takes to turn a bad habit into a good one is a bit of mindfulness. Learn how to eat healthier by paying attention to what’s on your plate.
15 minNutrition lesson8 CQ
Eating healthy starts with the food in your kitchen. Darya Rose reveals several ways to start cooking fast, tasty, and wholesome meals at home.
with Darya RoseEating healthy starts with the food in your kitchen. Darya Rose reveals several ways to start cooking fast, tasty, and wholesome meals at home.