John K's Enrolled Lessons
3 minCrafts lesson2 CQ
Looking for a cool, simple arts and crafts project? This lesson by Animaplates provides the blueprint and instructions you’ll need to put together a 3D robot.
with AnimaplatesLooking for a cool, simple arts and crafts project? This lesson by Animaplates provides the blueprint and instructions you’ll need to put together a 3D robot.
3 minFREECrafts lessonFree2 CQ
A picture is worth a thousand words—but a picture with the story behind it can be priceless. Learn how to preserve your memories with creative journaling.
with Kiwi Lane DesignsA picture is worth a thousand words—but a picture with the story behind it can be priceless. Learn how to preserve your memories with creative journaling.
1 minFREECrafts lessonFree1 CQ
Fill the hole in your art skills by learning to draw a 3D hole! Using only paper, a pencil, and a marker, see how to draw a realistic hole using basic shapes.
with DrawingTeachersFill the hole in your art skills by learning to draw a 3D hole! Using only paper, a pencil, and a marker, see how to draw a realistic hole using basic shapes.
6 minCrafts lesson4 CQ
Do like to doodle? Learn the principles behind sketching any 3D shape! In this lesson, Michael from Drawing Teachers shows you the ropes of drawing a 3D star.
with DrawingTeachersDo like to doodle? Learn the principles behind sketching any 3D shape! In this lesson, Michael from Drawing Teachers shows you the ropes of drawing a 3D star.
3 minFREECooking lessonFree2 CQ
With a quick whirl of your blender, you can make fresh homemade hummus, flavored just the way you like it -- from a can of garbanzos to a meal in minutes.
With a quick whirl of your blender, you can make fresh homemade hummus, flavored just the way you like it -- from a can of garbanzos to a meal in minutes.
2 minFREECooking lessonFree2 CQ
Why eat toast when you can have French toast? Learn how to make the perfect French toast - fluffy with crisp edges - using this easy breakfast recipe!
with Honeysuckle CateringWhy eat toast when you can have French toast? Learn how to make the perfect French toast - fluffy with crisp edges - using this easy breakfast recipe!
2 minFREECooking lessonFree2 CQ
Holy Guacamole! It’s time for a fiesta. Try this easy recipe for fresh and delicious guacamole that is sure to impress even your choosiest of friends.
with Honeysuckle CateringHoly Guacamole! It’s time for a fiesta. Try this easy recipe for fresh and delicious guacamole that is sure to impress even your choosiest of friends.
7 minFREECrafts lessonFree4 CQ
Want to print your own design onto a t-shirt? Get an overview of how to use screenprinting. See how to prepare your screen, then ink and cure your shirt.
with Catspit ProductionsWant to print your own design onto a t-shirt? Get an overview of how to use screenprinting. See how to prepare your screen, then ink and cure your shirt.
7 minClothes Making lesson4 CQ
The perfect pair of jeans can be elusive, and when you find a pair, you shouldn’t let them go. Learn to repair holes that develop in your well-worn denims.
with Professor PincushionThe perfect pair of jeans can be elusive, and when you find a pair, you shouldn’t let them go. Learn to repair holes that develop in your well-worn denims.
2 minFREECooking lessonFree2 CQ
This Mexican side is oh-so-much better when made fresh—and it’s so easy! In this lesson from Watch Learn Eat, learn how to make homemade salsa.
with Watch Learn EatThis Mexican side is oh-so-much better when made fresh—and it’s so easy! In this lesson from Watch Learn Eat, learn how to make homemade salsa.