Donelle L's Enrolled Lessons
14 minFREEEmotional Health lessonFree8 CQ
Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.
with Kelly McGonigalStress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.
2 minFREEAstronomy Nerdy CurioFree2 CQ
Learn what to look for in the night sky with today’s Nerdy Curio from Stardate. As the Sun drops below the horizon this evening, the sky will grow darker. Ev...
with StardateLearn what to look for in the night sky with today’s Nerdy Curio from Stardate. As the Sun drops below the horizon this evening, the sky will grow darker. Ev...
2 minFREEHumanities Word CurioFree2 CQ
Word of the Day : January 6, 2017
factitious \fak-TISH-us\ adjective
1 : produced by humans rather than by natural forces
2 a : formed by or a...
with Merriam-WebsterWord of the Day : January 6, 2017
factitious \fak-TISH-us\ adjective
1 : produced by humans rather than by natural forces
2 a : formed by or a...
1 minFREElessonFree1 CQ
Zika virus infection during pregnancy appears to cause a range of birth defects, such as joint, eye and ear abnormalities, in addition to microcephaly.
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with 60-Second ScienceZika virus infection during pregnancy appears to cause a range of birth defects, such as joint, eye and ear abnormalities, in addition to microcephaly.
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2 minFREEHumanities Word CurioFree2 CQ
Word of the Day : January 4, 2017
deem \DEEM\ verb
1 : to come to think or judge : consider
2 : to have an opinion : believe
The co...
with Merriam-WebsterWord of the Day : January 4, 2017
deem \DEEM\ verb
1 : to come to think or judge : consider
2 : to have an opinion : believe
The co...
7 minCrafts lesson4 CQ
Love the taste of baked potatoes, but don’t have the time to cook them in the oven? Learn how to sew a reusable microwave potato bag in minutes.
with Crafty CarolineLove the taste of baked potatoes, but don’t have the time to cook them in the oven? Learn how to sew a reusable microwave potato bag in minutes.
6 minCrafts lesson4 CQ
Keep your loved ones close to your heart by making a picture pendant necklace with a Scrabble tile and Mod Podge Dimensional Magic in this jewelry craft lesson!
with The O'Neil SistersKeep your loved ones close to your heart by making a picture pendant necklace with a Scrabble tile and Mod Podge Dimensional Magic in this jewelry craft lesson!
17 minFREECrafts lessonFree9 CQ
Whether you need party favors or a simple way to let your guests know they're welcome, discover how to make homemade soap! Soapmaking at home is simple and fun.
with The O'Neil SistersWhether you need party favors or a simple way to let your guests know they're welcome, discover how to make homemade soap! Soapmaking at home is simple and fun.