Nancy J's Enrolled Lessons
4 minFREEScience lessonFree3 CQ
Earth's landscape is constantly shifting and changing. This lesson breaks down the basic processes of geomorphology, or the study of changing landforms.
with Darron GedgeEarth's landscape is constantly shifting and changing. This lesson breaks down the basic processes of geomorphology, or the study of changing landforms.
22 minFREECrafts lessonFree12 CQ
Do you love petting pets? How about painting pets? Watch this lesson, part 1 of 5, to learn how to paint a blue-eyed cat with water mixable oil paint.
with Darrell Crow StudiosDo you love petting pets? How about painting pets? Watch this lesson, part 1 of 5, to learn how to paint a blue-eyed cat with water mixable oil paint.
20 minFREEWatercoloring lessonFree11 CQ
In this art lesson for kids and families, discover how to paint a dancing owl! Students learn basic watercolor painting techniques and have some fun, too.
with Em WinnIn this art lesson for kids and families, discover how to paint a dancing owl! Students learn basic watercolor painting techniques and have some fun, too.
4 minFREETravel lessonFree3 CQ
The life of a traveling salesperson poses unique challenges. In this lesson, get travel tips that will keep you healthy and happy on the road!
with Get Switched OnThe life of a traveling salesperson poses unique challenges. In this lesson, get travel tips that will keep you healthy and happy on the road!
2 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Sweet potato fries are delicious, but are you ready for an even more delicious and nutritious fry recipe? Real Healthy Recipes presents: carrot french fries!
with Real Healthy RecipesSweet potato fries are delicious, but are you ready for an even more delicious and nutritious fry recipe? Real Healthy Recipes presents: carrot french fries!
2 minFREEMarriage lessonFree2 CQ
Which parental behaviors are predictive of divorce? In this lesson on relationships and communication, learn how to protect your children's self esteem.
with Teresa TrowerWhich parental behaviors are predictive of divorce? In this lesson on relationships and communication, learn how to protect your children's self esteem.
2 minFREEMarriage lessonFree2 CQ
Although half of first marriages end in divorce, there are strategies parents can apply that help allay children's fears about a divorce, discussed here.
with Teresa TrowerAlthough half of first marriages end in divorce, there are strategies parents can apply that help allay children's fears about a divorce, discussed here.
2 minFREEGolf lessonFree2 CQ
In this lesson, professional golf instructor Derek Hooper presents some useful tips for playing a shot from an uphill lie that will keep the ball on target.
with Derek Hooper GolfIn this lesson, professional golf instructor Derek Hooper presents some useful tips for playing a shot from an uphill lie that will keep the ball on target.
8 minFREEPsychology lessonFree5 CQ
You can't feel connected if you don't enjoy talking to people! In this lesson, Dr. Aziz explains how to steer conversations to make genuine connections.
with Dr. AzizYou can't feel connected if you don't enjoy talking to people! In this lesson, Dr. Aziz explains how to steer conversations to make genuine connections.
2 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
In this plank workout routine, learn how to build strong arm, back, and core muscles by holding planks until failure with a few options for modification.
with Sean Vigue FitnessIn this plank workout routine, learn how to build strong arm, back, and core muscles by holding planks until failure with a few options for modification.