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Vladimir Raykov
Marketing Manager

Vladimir Raykov works as a Marketing Manager in an innovative and highly developing company for software solutions.

Vladimir has a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and has successfully completed courses on a Master's level on Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Knowledge at Copenhagen Business School.

He is an author, blogger and one of his deepest passions is leadership - bringing out the best in people. Moreover, Vladimir is certified by Case Western Reserve University on a course - Inspiring Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence. The course was conducted by professor Richard Boyatzis.

Social Media enthusiast with more than 42000 followers on the two of his Twitter accounts

His highest priorities are family and friends. He does and is interested in online teaching and learning as he thinks that these two terms are the new currency of the future.

A strong believer in education, Vladimir is willing to share his knowledge with others.

Getting Thousands of Instagram Followers, now on Curious.com

Getting Thousands of Instagram Followers, now on Curious.com

Ready for a new course? I am excited to share my most recently published course, Getting Thousands of Instagram Followers.

Would you like to add thousands of followers to your Instagram account for free? In this social media marketing course for beginners, learn strategies to boost your presence on social media.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Curiously yours,
Vladimir Raykov

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