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Trump Excel

Sumit Bansal is an Excel Enthusiast who started Trump Excel as an initiative to share amazing things about Excel Spreadsheet. Through his video courses, he has helped many people learn excel and get ahead in their professional career and personal endeavors.

Video courses by Trump Excel are crisp, clear, and easy to follow. These courses will help you learn Excel and become an advanced user in no time.

Super Excel Tip - How to create a Scrollable List in Excel

Super Excel Tip - How to create a Scrollable List in Excel

I am excited to share my latest lesson on Curious.

Do you have a long list of data in your Excel worksheet? Learn how to build a scrollbar so you can display only part of the scrollable list at once. This video shows a easy to follow step-by-step process to do this. Learn this and you will be a rock-star at work!!

Happy Learning!

Sumit Bansal, Trump Excel

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