
How to Give a Persuasive Speech

34 CQ
6 Lessons
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    2 CQ
    1. Persuasive Speech Goals
    A lesson with TJ Walker
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    Presentation coach TJ Walker discusses the importance of persuasive speaking and highlights the importance of setting speech goals in this communication lesson.

    Presentation coach TJ Walker discusses the importance of persuasive speaking and highlights the importance of setting speech goals in this communication lesson.

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    3 CQ
    2. Persuasive Speech Messages
    A lesson with TJ Walker
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    Learn how to deliver a persuasive presentation by communicating focused messages to your audience. Plus, discover why data dumps are ruining your speeches.

    Learn how to deliver a persuasive presentation by communicating focused messages to your audience. Plus, discover why data dumps are ruining your speeches.

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    9 CQ
    3. Using Stories in a Persuasive Speech
    A lesson with TJ Walker
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    Learn what a good story needs and doesn't need, and understand why, when delivering a persuasive speech or presentation, abstraction is the enemy.

    Learn what a good story needs and doesn't need, and understand why, when delivering a persuasive speech or presentation, abstraction is the enemy.

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    7 CQ
    4. PowerPoint Tips for Public Speakers
    A lesson with TJ Walker
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    Gain expert tips on using PowerPoint as a visual aid. Discover how to design your slide show for maximum effectiveness, test your presentation, and more.

    Gain expert tips on using PowerPoint as a visual aid. Discover how to design your slide show for maximum effectiveness, test your presentation, and more.

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    10 CQ
    5. Practicing a Persuasive Speech
    A lesson with TJ Walker
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    Discover a video rehearsal and critique exercise that will make you self-aware of your speaking abilities and allow you to approach the lectern with confidence.

    Discover a video rehearsal and critique exercise that will make you self-aware of your speaking abilities and allow you to approach the lectern with confidence.

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