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Brad Teare
Brad Teare, the art of thick paint

Brad Teare gives tips and techniques on how to paint landscapes in oil.

Teare spent the nineties illustrating for publishers such as The New York Times and Random House and did book covers for authors such as James Michener and Anne Tyler.

Teare attended the Maynard Dixon Residency in Mount Carmel, Utah and the Forbes Trinchera Residency in Southern Colorado. His work has been featured in American Artist magazine as well as Gulf Connoisseur, based in Dubai. Teare has exhibited in the LA Art Show, the Springville Museum, and most recently the Forbes Galleries in New York City.

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Oil Painting from Start to Finish, now on

I am excited to share my latest course on Curious, Oil Painting from Start to Finish!

From transferring a drawing to canvas and using underpainting technique to finishing with scumbling, glazing, and dry brushing, learn how to oil paint masterfully from start to finish.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Brad Teare


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