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Test Prep and Cyber Security
Test Prep and Security

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All Posts by Test Prep and Cyber Security
New course from Test Prep and Cyber Security

Ready for a new course? I am excited to share my most recently published course, Web Hacking for Beginners.

You've likely heard about hacking and tried to protect your online identity from hackers. But what is hacking, who does it, and why? In this complete web hacking basics course, answer these questions!

Let me know what you think of the course. And remember, I'm here if you have any questions!


What to Do the Day Before the SAT, now on Curious.com

I'd love to share with you my newest lesson on Curious, What to Do the Day Before the SAT.

In this lesson, listen up for one final pep talk and learn just how much time you should devote to studying the night before (and the day of) the SAT.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Curiously yours,
SAT Course with Craig

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