Forget multitasking, try monotasking

2 CQ

People don't just cook anymore -- they're cooking, texting, talking on the phone, watching YouTube and uploading photos of the awesome meal they just made. Designer Paolo Cardini questions the efficiency of our multitasking world and makes the case for -- gasp -- "monotasking."

Aired November 30, 2012

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Laura B
Of course I'm typing this on my smartphone but I truly appreciated this message at this time. I need to incorporate this in my daily routine an how I plan my experiences throughout the day.
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Traci B
Thank you for this!!!
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Aubree P
This made me smile. As much as I use my smart phone (like right this second), I do miss the days of just having my pink Razor flip phone that could call & play like 3 games. Having to go to the computer and look up things, or check email, or have instant messaging convos. I miss the days of talking with people face to face instead of face to bald-spot. No it feels like everything is constantly interrupted and viewed through a lens rather than fully engaging with real life.
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