For more tolerance, we need more... tourism?

3 CQ

Aziz Abu Sarah is a Palestinian activist with an unusual approach to peace-keeping: Be a tourist. The TED Fellow shows how simple interactions with people in different cultures can erode decades of hate. He starts with Palestinians visiting Israelis and moves beyond ...

Aired January 7, 2015

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Amanda M
Yes! I agree 100%, we all have so much more in common, if we would just take the time to stop noticing the differences.
500 characters max
Van N
sound great! I've learned something about this lesson and get the motivation to more tourism. Thanks!
500 characters max
Pao D
Spectacular example
500 characters max
Ann D
Where can I find a Tourism site to make travel plans like this? It sounds so wonderful!
500 characters max
Jean M
Well spoken; people are more alike than they are different. If we could just realize how much we have in common, we would be eager to help one another.
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