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Sure Fit Designs
President Sure-Fit Designs

Since 1982, Glenda has been President of Sure-Fit Designs™, an international company specializing in pattern fitting and designing. Canadian born, her impressive background includes 10 years as a Home Economics educator, plus 33 years in the sewing industry. Based in Eugene, OR, she has traveled extensively in the USA, Canada, Australia, N.Z., and Great Britain showing home seamstresses the ease of achieving excellent pattern fit with the Sure-Fit Designs™ system of pattern fitting and designing. She has authored numerous articles, pattern fitting, designing, fabric embellishment and machine embroidery books for the benefit of home seamstresses worldwide. She has been featured in sewing forums and shows throughout the USA and Australia and is recognized as a leading educator in the sewing industry.

The LBD (Little Black Dress)! Watch the latest course from Sure-Fit Designs

The LBD (Little Black Dress)! Watch the latest course from Sure-Fit Designs

I'm thrilled to share my newest course, How to Design & Sew a Little Black Dress (LBD).

Loved throughout the centuries...Perfect for so many occasions. Discover how to design and sew a perfect little black dress that is customized to your own body's measurements in this pattern drafting and sewing course from Sure Fit Designs.

Let me know what you think of the course. And remember, I'm here if you have any questions!

Curiously yours,
Glenda the Good Stitch - Sure Fit Designs

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