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Shawn's Mando Chinese
Shawn's Mando -- clarity and practice!

"我就是一个教中文的帅老外" -- this sentence looks pretty foreign right? Chinese is a very VERY foreign language. I think it's about as different from English as you get!

My name is Shawn -- I've been learning Chinese for many years now. I am deeply passionate about Chinese -- especially about teaching it with crystal clarity.

When it comes to learning something very foreign like Chinese -- something that is extremely helpful is a teacher who can explain Chinese words and concepts with that utmost clarity -- that facilitates understanding and learning -- and that's where I come in!

I do prefer to explain how Chinese works in English. This gives the learner the ability to very transparently understand what I'm saying. Then we can practice thoroughly in Chinese together and truly entrench ourselves into the language!

Join me on my lifelong Mandarin learning journey -- and feel the joy and satisfaction of learning a truly "foreign" language!

All Posts by Shawn's Mando Chinese
New Curious lesson - "Yes" or "No" in Mandarin Chinese

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson "Yes" or "No" in Mandarin Chinese.

Learn how to translate Chinese to English and how to speak Chinese correctly by crafting the proper responses to yes or no questions depending on the context.

Let me know what you think of the lesson. And remember, I'm here if you have any questions!

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