Standing Double Bass Basics

46 CQ
9 Lessons
  • Playing
    5 CQ
    1. How to Hold a Double Bass
    A lesson with Seth Gamba
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    Learning how to hold an instrument is essential for beginners. In this lesson, discover the proper way to hold a double bass, and how it should size up to you.

    Learning how to hold an instrument is essential for beginners. In this lesson, discover the proper way to hold a double bass, and how it should size up to you.

  • Playing
    3 CQ
    2. Balancing a Bow on a Double Bass
    A lesson with Seth Gamba
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    In this lesson, Seth Gamba demonstrates how to keep the double bass upright without holding onto the instrument's neck so your hands are free to play!

    In this lesson, Seth Gamba demonstrates how to keep the double bass upright without holding onto the instrument's neck so your hands are free to play!

  • Playing
    4 CQ
    3. Using the Left Hand on a Double Bass
    A lesson with Seth Gamba
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    In this lesson, Seth Gamba explains how to adjust double bass equilibrium when placing the left hand on the neck and how to maintain balance when shifting.

    In this lesson, Seth Gamba explains how to adjust double bass equilibrium when placing the left hand on the neck and how to maintain balance when shifting.

  • Playing
    7 CQ
    4. The Double Bass German Bow Hold
    A lesson with Seth Gamba
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    Are you learning how to hold a German bow on the double bass? In this lesson, learn how to position your hands and body to get the German bow hold just right.

    Are you learning how to hold a German bow on the double bass? In this lesson, learn how to position your hands and body to get the German bow hold just right.

  • Playing
    7 CQ
    5. The Double Bass French Bow Hold
    A lesson with Seth Gamba
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    In this lesson, music teacher Seth Gamba walks through the correct position of the arms, hands, fingers, and wrist for the French bow on the double bass.

    In this lesson, music teacher Seth Gamba walks through the correct position of the arms, hands, fingers, and wrist for the French bow on the double bass.

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