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Worldly Curio

September 13, 2017

Why Australians handed in 26,000 guns to the government

3 CQ

The surrendered firearms have included weapons from the 1800s and World War I and II, part of a three-month amnesty allowing Australians to turn in unregistered guns without penalty. Produced by: The World staff. Image credit: David Gray/Reuters.

Aired September 12, 2017

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Steve E
God created man, Mr. Colt made him equal. The state is your friend until it is not.
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Pam H
Large numbers of people all over the world live without guns, and many probably wonder why the US is so obsessed with the freedom to own and carry guns. The interviewer's voice on this item conveyed his disbelief in the positive public reaction to this amnesty. I found that to be quite strange.
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Juanita V
Did the buy back actually reduce murders and violent crimes, or did it just change the way people are killed?
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