Mind + Body
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Worldly Curio

April 28, 2017

What's one way to prevent opioid overdoses? Toronto plans three supervised injection sites.

3 CQ

At supervised injection sites, users get clean needles and a booth where they can inject drugs while a nurse watches. The nurse can help with the injection if need be. Produced by: Anita Elash. Image credit: Anita Elash.

Aired April 27, 2017

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Dave F
How much do these programs cost annually? And are they publicly funded through the government?
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Bee Q
I wish these were available in a lot more places. The fact that councillors are on site makes all the difference. Most drug abusers have mental health issues, but wouldn't get help because of their addiction. Great initiative!
500 characters max
Pallavi s
For videos, sound should adjustable.
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