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Worldly Curio

November 20, 2018

Waiting for asylum, migrants in limbo grow desperate

4 CQ

A group of about 3,000 migrants has travelled for more than a month to reach the US. Now, they’re just a half-hour walk away. But getting in seems more distant than ever. Produced by: Emily Green. Image credit: Hannah McKay/Reuters.

Aired November 19, 2018

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Where were those Mexicans who protest now when these folks sauntered thru the rest of Mexico? If the Mex Government had stopped the parade at their southern border-their Tj folks would not have the current mess. Apparently, our travelers had figured their their their home land government could not solve their problems; thus they run away. Why not solve their issues as do/did their ancestors: Revolt. Reform from within!
Chris R
Read up on the subject first next time instead of firing off rhetorical questions that just show your bias on the situation. People - groups, swaths of people - do not uproot their lives simply because they didn't want to organize back home and petition their leaders as you're suggesting. Often times such acts are what get them killed and brutalized. Try to empathize with what that would be like.
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