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Worldly Curio

June 24, 2018

Trump’s new order on families at the border raises even more questions about what happens next for child migrants

2 CQ

We’re answering some of your most pressing questions about what happens next. Produced by: Tania Karas, Angilee Shah, and Monica Campbell. Image credit: Patrick T. Fallon/Reuters.

Aired June 21, 2018

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Shirley H
Reunification between the two separate systems is like wading across the Mediterranean: lucky if you get a raft, fatal if you don’t . These are going to be one angry group of teens, for instant, like those school kids who survived Katrina displacement. Unschooled, disaffected, jobless and old orphans. And they have a right to be. Their world has been shredded unthinkably and their innocence lost due to no fault of their own. And there is no turning back
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