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Worldly Curio

November 12, 2018

The Dominican Republic took in Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler while 31 nations looked away

2 CQ

A New Hampshire man stumbled on an overlooked moment of history: The forgotten Evian conference where only one of 32 countries — the Dominican Republic — agreed to help settle German Jewish refugees. The doomed Evian Conference is viewed as a beginning act of the Holocaust. Produced by: Jason Margolis. Image credit: Courtesy of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Aired November 9, 2018

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Pilena C
Hahahaha what is this? And the Jewish? Pppffffff
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Kathryn G
Well that was a surprise, but interesting. Now I will have to see what this guy looks like.
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Jeff C
Yeah, not what I was expecting.
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Garrett D
Haha yeah had nothing to do with title, but still an interesting listen.
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Josue G
Audio did not match the title and caption
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