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Worldly Curio

November 10, 2020

Some Americans fled to Canada when Trump won. Will a Biden presidency bring them home?

3 CQ

Stephen Shainbart was one of the thousands of Americans who, feeling shocked by Donald Trump’s victory, went online looking for information about how to move to Canada. He says even a Biden win won't bring him home now. Produced by: Anita Elash. Image credit: Courtesy of Erika Peterson.

Aired November 9, 2020

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JoAnn S mean a Biden supporter living elsewhere can still vote for him? That’s illegal both ways. It’s a felony (tax evasion charges) to not report that you are not living in the US anymore
Chris R
If you’re still paying taxes on what you owe in the US then there’s no wrongdoing. How do you think citizens working and living abroad, like soldiers, live? Do your research
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Mike Tim S
Wow is this real? lol
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JoAnn S
How are they voting for Biden if they live in Canada?! That’s voter fraud.
Keith W
If you haven’t changed your citizenship, you’re still an American - you’re just living somewhere else. A Trump supporter who lives on a yacht in the Bahamas can still vote for him if they didn’t change their citizenship.
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JoAnn S
This made me laugh out loud.
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