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Worldly Curio

February 1, 2021

Putting a price on women’s unpaid work in India

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Most housework — overwhelmingly performed by women around the world — goes unpaid. A political party in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu is putting forward a bold proposal that could change that. Produced by: Amanda McGowan. Image credit: Manish Swarup/AP.

Aired January 29, 2021

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David J
It’s a very innovative and essential idea for a country like India where gender inequality and gender prejudice are very high. And all those feminists group that are crying hoarse are a farce. This initiative doesn’t make women any lesser. Can they ignore the fact that home makers are still not given equal importance to working men ? This party MNM president is the actor /director / producer , legendary Kamal Haasan who is know for his innovative thinking and technology in movie making too.
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