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Worldly Curio

September 16, 2021

Pregnant women and children with HIV in Ghana struggle to access lifesaving medicine during pandemic

4 CQ

Ghana faces an acute shortage of antiretroviral drugs, endangering the health and the lives of tens of thousands of HIV-positive children and pregnant women. Health officials say this has pushed their efforts to end the AIDS epidemic backward. Produced by: Ridwan Karim Dini-Osman. Image credit: UNICEF.

Aired September 14, 2021

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JoAnn S
Really?! HIV positive women getting pregnant again & again worried about not getting meds to help their children?? It’s obvious they’re having unprotected sex (the first interview was a woman with 3 kids since being diagnosed) - what about the men they’re spreading it to?? Then the women those men spread it to?? Instead of free meds to suppress, they need a harsh education on how to stop spreading AIDS.
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