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Worldly Curio

July 1, 2017

How two sisters will make it to South Korea's Olympics — but for opposing teams

3 CQ

Marissa Brandt will be playing for South Korea's Olympic ice hockey team. And her sister, Hannah Brandt, will play for Team USA. Produced by: Kaomi Goetz. Image credit: Kaomi Goetz.

Aired June 30, 2017

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John Y
I don't understand why she wouldn't play for the country that adopted her and gave her the ability to get to where she is today...
Krispy R
She was scouted and recruited to boost talent on the S. Korean team.
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Micki S
Fantastic story. Congrats to the women and their families. Best wishes!
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Erica C
Congratulations to both sisters and to their parents. Good luck and most of all, have fun!
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