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Worldly Curio

April 24, 2017

Her love of the stars made her lose track of her life on Earth

4 CQ

Sona Hosseini fell in love with astronomy when she went on a class trip to a Houston planetarium. "I was asking the lady, ‘How can I work here?’ The lady told me, ‘Oh, honey, you should have a PhD.’" Produced by: Ari Daniel. Image credit: Courtesy of Sona Hosseini.

Aired April 21, 2017

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Ruth S
One of those be careful what you wish for moments. However, it was and is all learning. It is a beautiful story and I love her determination and finding a way to have both her pieces of her cosmos.
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Gesele N
It's hard being alone sometimes and without sunlight it's no wonder sorna went into depression. I suffer from depression and sunlight can play a big part in it. Glad sorna followed her dreams
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