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May 6, 2019

Author Mira Jacobs reflects on raising a brown boy in America today

5 CQ

Mira Jacob's new book, "Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversation," explores the themes of interracial marriages, racism, and raising a brown child. Produced by: The World staff. Image credit: John Shearer/Getty Images.

Aired May 3, 2019

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Michael L
My comment was very long, so I had to break it up into three different parts, so to follow it you need to start at the bottom one, and read up. Please read all of my comments before replying.
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Michael L
I love Indian women, and I would love to marry one, but I would also be terrified that the two sides of the family would not be able to get along, and that might cause serious problems, and pain for the children.
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Michael L
Both the Indian culture, and the Jewish culture don't particularly like it when people marry outside of their group. I'm sure that they must love each other very much, and I have absolutely nothing against interracial relationships, but this one in particular is going to leave her son with a lifetime of pain and confusion. I know it's not a pleasant thing to say, but I absolutely believe that that is reality.
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Michael L
It must be so difficult for her. I can't imagine it. Her in-laws are active trump supporters? That alone would be terrible, but then on top of that, the two religions are very different, and so are the two cultures involved. I'm a Jewish guy, and I think Indian women are incredibly beautiful, but I bet there's a whole bunch of prejudice against her on the husband's side of the family, and a whole lot of prejudice against him on her side of the family.
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