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Worldly Curio

June 13, 2018

After Trump-Kim summit, South Koreans hope peace will prevail

3 CQ

For many South Koreans, the summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un has brought their divided peninsula one step closer to peace. Produced by: Jason Strother. Image credit: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters.

Aired June 12, 2018

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Renee M
I found this report to be very biased and even racist. Professor Li came across as pompous, and totally against North Korea. Calls Kim “funny looking”. If one even knows a bit of history, one would know that the U.S. bombed North Korea to nothing and then has strangled the nation for decades with sanctions. We can stop acting like bully and become friends. Show a little respect. And actually report facts instead of opinion.
David J
Well and truly said
Chris R
And if you kept up with recent history you would realize those statements are quotes from Trump tweets about Kim. While I agree the amount of aggression the US displayed in the War was terrible and ultimately self defeating in trying to control N Korea, I'm calling BS on this comment. It's either Curios is now being trolled or the Commenter is not fully informed to be able to make the judgement made. If you knew a little bit of history everything described about NK propaganda has happened before
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