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Worldly Curio

May 16, 2018

After bloodshed and US embassy protests, Israelis and Palestinians alike wonder what's next

5 CQ

Israeli forces killed 60 Palestinians on Monday, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, and injured more than 2,200 by gunfire or tear gas. The violence continued Tuesday as Israeli forces killed one man, while thousands of Palestinians turned out for funerals. Produced by: The World staff. Image credit: Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters.

Aired May 15, 2018

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C Elizabeth S
What your report glosses over is that, historically and in this instance, the IDF only fires if fired upon. WHO fired first? It was NOT the IDF.
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Elizabeth N
Palestininians were, historically, the fringe group of the Israelites, in the biblical narrative. One must know the history of these people groups to understand the complexities they face today. The lands they argue over now, were, historically, land of the Jewish people and land that the Palestinians could dwell upon, by the grace of God and the Jews.
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Elizabeth N
Do not buy real estate in the Gaza strip.
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