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Worldly Curio

August 12, 2019

A DNA test connected two distant cousins — and filled out a family history that slavery erased

5 CQ

Two distant cousins took DNA tests. When they connected, one of them — a descendant of enslaved Africans brought to the US — was able to tell the other about her heritage. Produced by: María Elena Romero and Joyce Hackel. Image credit: Marco Werman/The World.

Aired August 5, 2019

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Michael L
Can these DNA tests actually give such specific information? I was under the impression that they cannot, and the claim that they can has been misleading a lot of people. From what I've heard, the tests can only give you a probability, and that ability is not very great when one actually reads the fine print that comes with them. This is what I've heard. I don't know if it's true or not, but what I heard is that the information is far less accurate then the companies claim it to be in the advert
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Lorraine R
Very happy ending. I'm pleased that you found your roots.
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Shannon D
Congratulations on connecting your families!
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